Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's December Already!

They say as you get older time goes by faster. I’m turning 36 one week from today so this reality is becoming more and truer for me. It seems that just not so long ago I turned 35 and 2008 seemed so far in the future. Now I’m closer to 40 than I am 30, WOW!

As I’m reflecting on how fast time goes by, this passage from the Bible comes to mind: "So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do." Ephesians 5:15-17

As I prepare to celebrate my 36th birthday I am challenged by this verse to make every moment of my life count for eternity. Particularly, because it feels like life is flying by so fast! This verse challenges me to ask myself these questions: Do I really need to play the Wii for 2 hours, or will a half hour be enough? Do I really need to be on Facebook for 1 hour, or will 20 minutes be enough? Do I really need to surf the internet aimlessly for 3 hours or will 1 hour each day be enough??

I’d like to challenge you to evaluate the “time wasters” in your life. What are some areas you can clear up in your life to make room for “what The Lord wants you to do.” The mission we accomplish for His Kingdom will last forever! Take a moment right now, go ahead, right now, and ask God to reveal areas in your life where you can make the most of the moment!

I can’t wait to see you Sunday as we’ll celebrate together what God has done this past year, and look forward to what God has for us in 2009! Have a God-filled week!
I love being your pastor!

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