Thursday, October 30, 2008

Crazy Thursday Night

Tonight's our small group night! Thursday nights are pretty crazy with getting the house in order, preparing the lesson, and entertaining the kids seemingly at the same time. As much as it is a challenge preparing to hang out with friends, it is worth it!
The fun, growth and just being with each other outweighs any inconvenience that is experinced. So despite all the things that make buliding true community difficult, I can't wait to see everyone in about an hour!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Are you isolated?

That is probably not a question that you are asked every day, but it really could be one of the most important questions you would ever want to ask yourself. We talked on Sunday how isolation kills community like a poisonous gas, you don’t know its affecting you until it’s too late! It’s one of the most lethal, unsuspecting weapons the Devil uses to kill true, authentic, biblical community.Busyness, offense, and hurt contribute greatly to the isolation that exists in many churches today.
I painted a picture on Sunday of a church that would truly care for, help and serve each other. I am excited because I believe that this is beginning to unfold in our church. This can only continue to happen as we fight off the poisonous gas of isolationism. If we can continue to go against what our culture values most, and go after what God’s idea for our lives, in community, we can be incredibly influencial for God’s Kingdom. Ask God to reveal to you right now if there are any ways you are allowing isolationism in your life, and then ask Him to give you the courage to overcome it!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Last night our 3 year old, Brynn, wanted to come into our bed to sleep. You could classify Brynn as an official "snuggler". She refuses to stay in her spot and must sleep right next to me or Ellen. For some strange reason, I can't sleep with two little feet buried in my stomach all night, while she snores! So while I didn't get much sleep last night, I'm told I should treasure these times while my kids are young, because they grow up fast. So I guess I'll embrace these tired feelings after nights like last night, and attempt to treasure them!

Friday, October 24, 2008


If that word confuses you; let me sort out what I was attempting to express. When God asks us to take steps of faith it often times is accompanied by fear. A lot of us think when God asks us to do something that there is some sort of divine cloud that hovers over us that takes away any fear associated with the step we are taking. That has rarely been my experience! Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the ability to act in spite of our fear. A major part of our growing in God is learning to trust Him even when we don’t feel like it and when things are seemingly spinning out of control. Fear is a natural human emotion that all of us experience when we feel there may be a threat to our emotional, financial, or spiritual security. Our faith level rises as we continue the process of stepping forward even though we experience intense feelings of fear and anxiety.

What step is God asking you to take? Is your own fear keeping you from stepping out? Let me challenge you with an inspiring message from the Bible. “So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said.” Acts 27:25 If God has said it, that’s all we need! If He spoke it, He is the One that will bring the promise to reality. I can’t wait to see you Sunday when we’ll celebrate together the God who keeps His promises!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Entering into the blogosphere

I have finally entered the world of blogging! I am so excited because I have a chance to share with everyone who reads this what is going on in mylife. It's a great opportunity for you to take a peek into my feelings, thoughts, and perspectives about life. Be sure to check it out everyday as I will update it almost daily! Be sure to leave your comments, as this is a great opportunity for us to interact about issues all of us face. Looking forward to chatting with you in the blogosphere!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why Worry?

I was reading this passage in my devotional time this morning and it really spoke to me! I think it probably will speak to you as well. Listen to what Matthew 6 has to say:

31 So don't worry about these things, saying, 'What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of Godabove all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. 34 So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.

What an incredible promise! It does not matter what challenges we are facing, your Father knows exactly what you need and is actively working to provide it for you! If we will simply place His priorities and plans at the very center of our lives, he will provide for us in miraculous ways!

My challenge to you today is this: what are you worrying about, and is there anything in your life that you are elevating above God? Trust God! May this passage become a living reality for you right now! I can't wait to see you this weekend as we celebrate together God's incredible provisions.