Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Are you isolated?

That is probably not a question that you are asked every day, but it really could be one of the most important questions you would ever want to ask yourself. We talked on Sunday how isolation kills community like a poisonous gas, you don’t know its affecting you until it’s too late! It’s one of the most lethal, unsuspecting weapons the Devil uses to kill true, authentic, biblical community.Busyness, offense, and hurt contribute greatly to the isolation that exists in many churches today.
I painted a picture on Sunday of a church that would truly care for, help and serve each other. I am excited because I believe that this is beginning to unfold in our church. This can only continue to happen as we fight off the poisonous gas of isolationism. If we can continue to go against what our culture values most, and go after what God’s idea for our lives, in community, we can be incredibly influencial for God’s Kingdom. Ask God to reveal to you right now if there are any ways you are allowing isolationism in your life, and then ask Him to give you the courage to overcome it!

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