Friday, October 24, 2008


If that word confuses you; let me sort out what I was attempting to express. When God asks us to take steps of faith it often times is accompanied by fear. A lot of us think when God asks us to do something that there is some sort of divine cloud that hovers over us that takes away any fear associated with the step we are taking. That has rarely been my experience! Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the ability to act in spite of our fear. A major part of our growing in God is learning to trust Him even when we don’t feel like it and when things are seemingly spinning out of control. Fear is a natural human emotion that all of us experience when we feel there may be a threat to our emotional, financial, or spiritual security. Our faith level rises as we continue the process of stepping forward even though we experience intense feelings of fear and anxiety.

What step is God asking you to take? Is your own fear keeping you from stepping out? Let me challenge you with an inspiring message from the Bible. “So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said.” Acts 27:25 If God has said it, that’s all we need! If He spoke it, He is the One that will bring the promise to reality. I can’t wait to see you Sunday when we’ll celebrate together the God who keeps His promises!

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